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At Mountain Empire Unified, we want every student to benefit from all the great learning opportunities our schools offer. When students attend school regularly, they are more connected, more involved, and more likely to graduate and succeed later in life.
Missing even two days a month means your child could miss about 10% of the school year—over time, that adds up to an entire year of school lost. Every day of learning counts, whether the absence is excused or not.
Did you know?
• Missing about two days a month can make it harder for your child to build key skills for work and life, form strong relationships, and develop good habits.
• Students who miss just two days a month may struggle with reading by third grade, have lower achievements in middle school, and face challenges graduating from high school.
• Chronic absences—missing two days each month or over 18 days in a school year—have doubled since the pandemic began.
• Regular school attendance is one of the most important parts of your child’s academic and social-emotional growth.
If your child is going to be absent, please let the school office know so we can work together to keep them on track.


Our Independent Study Contract (ISC) program is here to help your child catch up on missed work and stay on track, even if they have to miss school. You can find the full ISC Master Agreement in English | Spanish for more details, and both you and your child must sign the agreement before starting an ISC.
Independent Study Contract (ISC) Details: 
  • Eligibility: ISCs are available if your child misses between 1 and 15 days during the school year.
  • Timing: The ISC can be setup within 5 days after an absence.
  • Assignments: Work will be provided by the school. Your child can complete the Daily Learning Path for their grade level or work on assignments provided by the teacher(s). For 7th-12th grade students, assignments may be available through Google Classroom.
  • Submission: All completed work must be turned in within 5 days after the absence to receive attendance credit.
Planned Absences: If you know ahead of time that your child will be absent for several days, please contact the school office with at least one week’s notice so we can help arrange the necessary assignments.
Unplanned Absences: For unexpected absences, please contact your school office to request ISC assignments.
Where Do I Start?
Step 1: Report the Absence: Contact the school office to report your child’s absence and request an Independent Study Contract.
Step 2: Access the ISC Work one of the following ways:
    • Click the button below to download a copy of the Daily Learning Path OR pick up a printed copy from the school
    • For grades 7-12, have your child access assignments via Google Classroom.
Step 3: Complete the Work: Use the Daily Learning Path of assignments OR assignments from teacher(s) to catch up.
Step 4: Submit the Work: Make sure your child returns the completed work to school within 5 days.
If you have any questions about the ISC process or need help, please reach out to your school office.