- Parents, Families, & Community
- Enrollment
- Attendance
- Resources & Learning Opportunities
- Community Schools
- Annual Notifications
- Uniform Complaints - Williams Act
- AB 1466 Restraint and Seclusion Data
- AB 899 Notice - Synthetic Drugs
- Student Accident Insurance - Pacific Educators
- 2024-2025 Parent Calendar
- Inclement Weather and Emergency School Closures
Annual Notifications
California Education Code section 48980 requires that, at the beginning of the first semester or quarter of the regular school term, the governing board of each school district must notify parents/guardians of their rights or responsibilities under certain provisions of the Education Code. Other provisions of California and United States law also require notification of parents/guardians.
Education Code section 48982 requires acknowledgement of being informed which is performed by physically or electronically signing the parent acknowledgement card to indicate that you have received the notice and have been informed of your rights. However, the signature does not mean that consent to participate in any particular program has been either given or withheld. California and United States law requires certain other notices in the event that specific circumstances should arise, affecting your child’s education and attendance at school. If any such circumstances should arise, the District will provide notice as required by law.