- Departments
- Superintendent
- Board
- Charter Schools
- Educational Services
- Facilities
- Campo Well Rehabilitation Project
- Descanso Electrical Closet Replacement
- Descanso Front Office Relocation
- MEJH Renovation
- MEHS Renovation
- Pine Valley Preschool
- TK Project
- Contractors - Bids & Prequalifications
- Request for Qualifications
- Integrated Pest Management
- Campo Roof Restoration
- District Office
- Head Start Parking Lot Renovation
- Campo Elementary Well Rehabilitation
- CalShape
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Nutrition
- Payroll & Benefits
- Special Education
- Student Services
- Technology
- Transportation
403/457 Plan Administrator
Website: pa.schoolsfirstfcu.org
How to register your SchoolsFirst Account
Instructions "How to make changes" to your 403/457 account
Approved Provider List
CalPERS - California Public Employees' Retirement System
How to Register for my CalPERS
CalPERS provides and administers a variety of benefit programs and services.
CalPERS is about the people. It is about the dedicated individuals who serve, or have served, California at the state, regional, and local level through a career in public service.
Savings Plans - 403b, 457, Roth
Savings Plans - 403b, 457, Roth

Joe Bauers, AIF®
Email – Joe.bauers@calpronetwork.com
Phone - 619-733-1823
Schedule link - Schedule an appointment with Joe Bauers
Website - Joe Bauers
Michael George, CFP®
Email – michael.george@calpronetwork.com
Phone - 619-792-2177
Schedule link - Schedule an appointment with Michael George
Website - Michael George

CalSTRS - California State Teachers' Retirement System
How to Register for my CalSTRS
Express Benefit Report (unused sick leave) - fillable
CalSTRS provides retirement, disability and survivor benefits for full-time and part-time California public school educators through a hybrid retirement system consisting of its Defined Benefit, Defined Benefits Supplement and Cash Balance Benefit program, and voluntary defined contribution plan called CalSTRS Pension2.
Savings plans - 403b, 457, Roth