- Departments
- Superintendent
- Board
- Charter Schools
- Educational Services
- Facilities
- Campo Well Rehabilitation Project
- Descanso Electrical Closet Replacement
- Descanso Front Office Relocation
- MEJH Renovation
- MEHS Renovation
- Pine Valley Preschool
- TK Project
- Contractors - Bids & Prequalifications
- Request for Qualifications
- Integrated Pest Management
- Campo Roof Restoration
- District Office
- Head Start Parking Lot Renovation
- Campo Elementary Well Rehabilitation
- CalShape
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Nutrition
- Payroll & Benefits
- Special Education
- Student Services
- Technology
- Transportation
University Partnerships
National University Partnership with MEUSD
25% Tuition Reduction Scholarship
National University Partnership with MEUSD 25% Tuition Reduction Scholarship
National University is proud to partner with San Diego County Office of Education and Districts to bring a 25% tuition reduction scholarship to employees and program participants looking to expand their knowledge and skills for professional and personal growth. The San Diego County Office of Education, districts and program participants Tuition Reduction Scholarship is a great benefit for working adults who want to reach specific educational goals, but find it challenging to fit classes into their busy life. Please speak to an advisor for details and provide them your partnership code: SDCOE!
For details, please visit:

ALLIANT University partnership with San Diego County School districts
10% Tuition savings!
ALLIANT University partnership with San Diego County School districts 10% Tuition savings!
Alliant’s next term start for our credential programs is June 27, 2022 and employees of all San Diego County School Districts are eligible for a 10% tuition savings!
See the attached partnership flyer if you are looking to start a credential program or want to get your Master's or Doctorate, there is still time to apply! You can request more information via the link on the flyer for next steps.

Many educators find the summer to be a good time to enroll. Coming soon to Concordia University are the following programs:
- M.A.Ed. in School Psychology with Pupil Personnel Services Credential (Pending CTC approval- anticipated launch Fall ’23).
See the flyer below for details and contact information.