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How to Sign a Document in Adobe Acrobat

Signing your documents is easy. Simply follow these steps:
STEP 1: Open or create your document in Adobe Acrobat.
STEP 2: On the top right there are tabs, click on Sign.
STEP 3: Then, select the lowest tab that drops down Work with Certificates.
STEP 4: To timestamp, digitally sign and keep the document valid after the certificate expires, select one of the Certify options Visible or Not Visible, whichever suits your document.
STEP 5: Then, click and drag where you want your signature to appear on the page(s).
STEP 6: A dialog box will appear which allows you to select Sign As with a dropdown menu. This will display your Digital ID.
STEP 7: Inside the dialog box, if you would like to check the certificate details, simply click on the Info icon.
STEP 8: To change how your signature appears, click on the Appearance dropdown menu and select a signature you have used previously or click on Create your own to add an image or change the size, font, or exclude or include other information on the document.
STEP 9: Then under the Permitted Actions After Certifying dropdown menu, you have the option to limit or expand the available actions of those who open the document.
STEP 10: Next, click on Sign. You can now send your document!