- Departments
- Superintendent
- Board
- Charter Schools
- Educational Services
- Facilities
- Campo Well Rehabilitation Project
- Descanso Electrical Closet Replacement
- Descanso Front Office Relocation
- MEJH Renovation
- MEHS Renovation
- Pine Valley Preschool
- TK Project
- Contractors - Bids & Prequalifications
- Request for Qualifications
- Integrated Pest Management
- Campo Roof Restoration
- District Office
- Head Start Parking Lot Renovation
- Campo Elementary Well Rehabilitation
- CalShape
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Nutrition
- Payroll & Benefits
- Special Education
- Student Services
- Technology
- Transportation
What is expanded Learning?
What is expanded Learning?
MEUSD's Expanded Learning programs offer a variety of enriching activities designed to support and inspire students. “Expanded learning” means before school, after school, summer, or intersession learning programs that focus on developing the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of pupils through hands-on, engaging learning experiences.
Our Expanded Learning Program utilizes After School Education and Safety (ASES), 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs), and Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) funds to create a single comprehensive program, serving Transitional Kindergarten through 12th-grade MEUSD students.
MEUSD is proud to offer no cost Expanded Learning programs for the 2024-25 school year. These state-funded programs have eligibility criteria but are accessible to all, subject to capacity. Priority enrollment will go to foster/homeless youth, students eligible for free or reduced price meals, and English learners.
To learn more about MEUSD Expanded Learning Opportunities program, view the MEUSD ELOP plan HERE.