- Departments
- Superintendent
- Board
- Charter Schools
- Educational Services
- Facilities
- Campo Well Rehabilitation Project
- Descanso Electrical Closet Replacement
- Descanso Front Office Relocation
- MEJH Renovation
- MEHS Renovation
- Pine Valley Preschool
- TK Project
- Contractors - Bids & Prequalifications
- Request for Qualifications
- Integrated Pest Management
- Campo Roof Restoration
- District Office
- Head Start Parking Lot Renovation
- Campo Elementary Well Rehabilitation
- CalShape
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Nutrition
- Payroll & Benefits
- Special Education
- Student Services
- Technology
- Transportation
ELEMENTARY SUmmer Programs
ELEMENTARY SUmmer Programs
Mountain Empire Unified is committed to preventing summer learning loss by providing our students ample access to summer academic and enrichment opportunities. Our various summer programs are specifically designed to help students improve their academic foundations and help them develop new skills sets for the future. Summer Expanded Learning programs are open to all enrolled TK-6th grade students. *Students going into 7th grade will enroll in a secondary summer program.
Students must be currently attending a MEUSD school before being accepted in one of our summer offerings.

Registration for 2024 Summer Camp is open!
Registration will be open April 22 - May 3, 2024.
Dates, Hours, and Locations
Dates, Hours, and Locations
Dates, Hours, and Locations
- June 17 - July 12th *No programs on June 19th or July 4th
- 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
- BSP & ASP Available - Must Register, No drop ins
- BSP Hours are 7:30am - 9:00am
- ASP Hours are 3:00pm - 5:00pm
- Campo Elementary
- Clover Flat Elementary
- Descanso Elementary
- Potrero Elementary