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Before & After School Programs
Welcome to our Before and After School Programs funded by the California Department of Education (CDE) through the After School Education and Safety (ASES) grant, 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs), and Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) funds. These state-funded programs serve students from Transitional Kindergarten through 12th grade at no cost.
Before & After School Programs
Before & After School Programs
To ensure a smooth registration process and equitable access to these programs, please carefully review and follow the guidelines below:
Program Capacity:
- Enrollment is limited based on staff-to-student ratios and available resources
- Once capacity is reached, additional applicants will be placed on a waiting list
Enrollment Order per (EC), sections 46120(g)(7) and 42238.02(b)(1):
- Students identified as homeless or foster youth
- Students identified as English language learners
- Students eligible for Free or Reduced-Price Meals
- All other students on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to availability
School Enrollment Requirement:
- The child must be enrolled in and attend the same school where the program is offered
- Transfer students must update their registration if they move to a different school
Form Submission:
- Registration opens on Monday, July 15, 2024
- Completing and submitting the registration forms does not guarantee enrollment in the program
- Parents will be notified of their child's enrollment status beginning the week of August 5, 2024
Separate Forms Required:
- A separate registration form must be completed for each child enrolling in the program
- Additionally, registration forms must be turned in to the school front office. For students to attend on the first day of school, forms must be turned in by Thursday, August 8th.
- Regular attendance is expected for both the Before and After School Programs
Behavior Expectations:
- Students must adhere to the school's code of conduct
- Repeated behavioral issues may result in dismissal from the program
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities:
- Ensure timely drop-off and pick-up of your child according to program hours
- Provide up-to-date contact information and notify the program coordinator of any changes
Health and Safety:
- Inform the program staff of any medical conditions, medications taken and/or allergies your child has
- Ensure all necessary medications and emergency information are on file
IMPORTANT REMINDER:Submitting a registration form does not automatically enroll your child in the program.
You will receive a confirmation email if your child is accepted into the program. If the program reaches capacity, your child will be placed on a waiting list, and you will be notified if a spot becomes available.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. We look forward to providing a safe, engaging, and enriching experience for your child. For any questions or additional information, please contact the program coordinator at your school or visit the links below.
Elementary Schools - Before & After School Programs
- 2024-25 Expanded Learning Before & After School Registration (English)
- 2024-25 Expanded Learning Before & After School Registration (Spanish)
*If an elementary school pupil is unable to attend the after-school program for the full range of hours every day, the parent/guardian must complete and submit for approval a request for late arrival specifying the days and hours the pupil will attend and the reason(s) for requesting late arrival [EDC 8483(a)(1)(B)] by completing a Before School Program (BSP) Late Arrival form and/or an After School Program (ASP) Early Dismissal form. Both forms are included in the registration packet.
Non-compliance with the attendance and late arrival policy may result in disenrollment from the after-school program.
Mountain Empire Junior High - Before & After School Programs *NEW FOR 24-25
- 2024-25 Expanded Learning Before & After School Registration (English)
- 2024-25 Expanded Learning Before & After School Registration (Spanish)
Mountain Empire High School - After School Program
*If a junior high or high school pupil is unable to attend the after-school program for the full range of hours every day, the parent/guardian must complete and submit for approval a request for late arrival specifying the days and hours the pupil will attend and the reason(s) for requesting late arrival [EDC 8483(a)(1)(B)] by completing a an After School Program (ASP) Early Dismissal form. The form is included in the registration packet.
Non-compliance with the attendance and late arrival policy may result in disenrollment from the after-school program.