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ELL Reclassification Information
What is ELL reclassification?
ELL (English Language Learner) reclassification is the process for determining that an ELL has become Fluent English Proficient​. Once a student becomes Fluent English Proficient they are considered RFEP​ (Redesignated Fluent English Proficient). This means they have been “reclassified.” The terms “reclassified” and “redesignated” are used interchangeably.
How do ELLs qualify for reclassification and how often does Reclassification occur?
ELL reclassification occurs in the fall and spring of each year. To reclassify to RFEP, secondary ELL students must meet the following criteria:
- Language proficiency, based on scores from the ELPAC
- Basic skills, based on reading scores from Renaissance STAR Reading, Dibels, and/or CAASPP
- Teacher evaluation, based on the student’s report card and other assessments
- Parent / Guardian Input
How does ELL Reclassification impact my child?
Reclassification can be thought of as an ELL’s “language learning graduation.”
- Studies show that students who reclassify within five or six continuous years in U.S. schools are some of our top academic performers
Because their comprehension is high and at par with their classmates, RFEP students are motivated to attend classes and participate and are therefore less at risk of dropping out