- Departments
- Superintendent
- Board
- Charter Schools
- Educational Services
- Facilities
- Campo Well Rehabilitation Project
- Descanso Electrical Closet Replacement
- Descanso Front Office Relocation
- MEJH Renovation
- MEHS Renovation
- Pine Valley Preschool
- TK Project
- Contractors - Bids & Prequalifications
- Request for Qualifications
- Integrated Pest Management
- Campo Roof Restoration
- District Office
- Head Start Parking Lot Renovation
- Campo Elementary Well Rehabilitation
- CalShape
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Nutrition
- Payroll & Benefits
- Special Education
- Student Services
- Technology
- Transportation
Overview of the ELPAC
Overview of the ELPAC
ELPAC Resources for Parents
English Language Proficiency assessments for california (ELPAC)
English Language Proficiency assessments for california (ELPAC)
The ELPAC test is used to measure how well students in kindergarten through twelfth grade understand English when it is not their primary language.