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Accessing Your Child's State Testing Score Reports
Information on Accessing Student Score Reports
Information on Accessing Student Score Reports
CAASPP and ELPAC Student Score Reports can now be accessed electronically via the MEUSD Parent Portal. The MEUSD Parent Portal is available at https://mountainempire.aeries.net/
As part of its commitment to build a quality education system in the fast changing world of technology, California is moving its California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), California Science Test (CST), and the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) Student Score Reports to an electronic format that will be delivered online. The electronic Student Score Reports also will be enhanced, offering a more dynamic way of providing information about how students are progressing in their education.
To access Student Score Reports:
1. Log into the MEUSD Parent Portal https://mountainempire.aeries.net/
2. For students and parents, Navigate to the Test Scores Tab and select State Test Score Reports.
3. On the State Test Scores Reports page, you will see the available Student Score Reports for the tests your child has taken. Click on the English or Non-English button to open up a view of the CAASPP or ELPAC Student Score Report for your child in a new tab.
4. A copy of the Student Score Report can be downloaded and saved to your computer, or it can be printed by using the appropriate icons in the preview window.
For more information on interpreting your students' Score Reports, please click on the links below:
Frequently Asked Questions