Alumni Summit
Dear RedHawk Alumni,
We want to hear from you! The Mountain Empire Unified School District is launching a refresh process on our vision, mission, and values for education in our district. Your experiences and ideas are vital contributions to this work.
At the Guilding Coalition gatherings, you will be asked to share your ideas and your experiences to help us refresh our schools for the students of the future. This is a unique opportunity to share your experiences as a student in the Mountain Empire Unified School District. Through a series of questions, you will be asked to reflect on moments in your education that have worked for you and those that didn’t, brainstorm the skills you will need to meet the future, and identify the qualities of influential adults that shaped your educational experiences.
Your feedback is going to be used to help us develop a Portrait of a Graduate. The Portrait of a Graduate for MEUSD will be based on what the community wants to be true for its students—what do students need to know, be, and be able to do--by the time they graduate.
MEUSD is proud to partner with the San Diego County Office of Education to create a strategic vision for the future of Mountain Empire Redhawks. In addition to the ALUMNI SUMMIT held on Friday, September 30, 2022, we will be hosting additional events and opportunities to share your ideas.
Guiding Coalition Gatherings
- Guiding Coalition Convening #1 - October 8, 2022
- Guiding Coalition Convening #2 - January 21, 2023
- Guiding Coalition Convening #3 - March 11, 2023
These are three gatherings over 3 Saturdays throughout the school year to engage the community in an envisioning process that will result in three portraits: a Portrait of a Graduate and the supporting Adult Portrait and System Portrait. Once a draft of the portraits is created they are shared several times with the community at large for input. At the end of the process, the three portraits will serve as a district’s “North Star”, guiding instructional, financial, and staffing decisions.
What happens during the Guiding Coalition sessions?
A diverse and representative group of district staff and community members come together to form the “Guiding Coalition.” Once formed, the Guiding Coalition gathers on three day-long occasions to share aspirations, envision the future, analyze and synthesize data, and then co-create the Portrait of a Graduate and the supporting Adult Portrait and System Portrait. From beginning to end, data is collected from as many people from the district and community as possible, and this data is utilized as the foundation for the development of the three portraits.
If I want to contribute, what is the time commitment?
There are different “levels” of involvement, depending on your interest and availability.
If you are unable to participate as a Guiding Coalition member, there are several opportunities for you to provide input during the Community Engagement periods. During these periods you can participate in interviews, complete surveys, and provide feedback to the Guiding Coalition’s work.
Members of the Guiding Coalition are expected to attend and actively participate in all three Guiding Coalition convenings (October 8, January 21, March 11), and participate in Learning Journey opportunities as time permits. Guiding Coalition members actually co-create the three portraits, as a group, using the data gathered from the interviews and district student data.
Members of the community who choose to be interviewed about their own perspectives and aspirations for Mountain Empire graduates would be asked to meet in person or by phone or zoom for a 30-35 minute interview.